We have computed here a brief story of our history that started since 2005 with Qlik™.
In order to avoid perhaps irrelevant old history, we’ve brought you all in reversed order (recent to old).
A new decade is starting
Qsaft™ is in the market, providing a smart and integrative solution for SAF-T reporting to NAFA (National Agency of Fiscal Administration), especially for companies that have their ERP data scattered among several systems … and files.
Aiming to better serve central and local authorities to handle European Funds and Projects, we have prepared QQgantt™ as a versatile, ultra-dynamic way visualization engine to allow users to navigate through complex projects and get to the point in no time.
We released QQtargets&bonus™, within QQtools, which has the benefit of providing a single point of contact for all a company’s target and bonus definition needs.
In March 2022, we released QQinput.table™ , within QQtools, which appeared as a necessity. After many attempts to use various borrowed solutions to directly introduce into the Qlik™ interface the decisions (numerical or otherwise) supported by the analytical interfaces that we have built over time, we decided to build our own Qlik™ extension, which would address this increasingly pressing challenge and need.
QQcosmic.app™ interface is getting more options.
First Automation over SmartBill is delivered to clients (using UI-Path or other automation engines).
First QQextension™ for Qlik Sense™ was created.
QQpricing™ – a revolutionary way of handling price decisions – was born and delivered to the first client by the end of spring.
QQlineage™ offers interactive visual diagrams to understand easier the interdependency of Qlik™ assets (data sources, processes, data sets and applications).
QQbanking™ has now also an automated option to read data from various internet banking apps and strongly also simplify the process of downloading and collecting all the banking statement of accounts details on hand.
First ERP provider decides to completely outsource to us all their BI services.
SIRQ™ next gen, running on top of AirTable online database is integrated with QQcosmicApp™.
SIRQ™ Gen4 is already under construction.
Using API REST connectors in Qlik Sense™ becomes routine. Expanding data source portfolio to online CRM systems.
QQfin™ integrates with QQcosmicApp™ interface.
Our website (QQinfo.ro) gets more and more content, especially in the QQsolutions section. QQblog also grows nicely, at the same time.
Preps for SAF-T forces us to create new generic tools for generating dynamic JSON or XML files.
More clients in FMCG gets our worry-free BI outsourcing services.
QQcash.manager™ is born, providing not only analytics on the flows and ballance of actual cash handled by retail units and cash handlers, but also integration with QQfin™, QQbanking™.
2011 - 2020
Despite the pandemic, QQinfo managed to expand activity and increase revenue with 33%, while Qlik™ license only grew with 65%.
Since 10th of March, all QQinfo team started to work from home. Online co-working in same virtual room allowed us to even improve internal communication and contact compared to pre-pandemic times.
The internship programs moved also in online, but never stopped.
As a rapid answer to business needs in the early pandemic’s incertitude, by the end of March, the first version of CashDriver™ has been released, providing the first ever tool for financial planning with variable payment terms in time and multi-scenario analytics.
By the middle of the year, we’ve managed to sign in the first customers that we’ve never met in person, just online, via video conferencing.
Partnerhip with Kfactory brings more visibility for QQinfo and Qlik Sense™ capabilities to the manufacturing industry.
QQvalidator™ was born as a concept on a beach and by the end of September the first version was already operational.
QQdata.profiler™ also got structured and gained a new depth and the current name.
Black Friday promos covered a far wider range of the QQinfo portfolio.
The internship program extended to Sales and Marketing positions in the fall.
For the first time ever, the girls in QQteam outnumbers the boys !
First deployment of Qlik™ on top of SAP 4 Hana in Romania is delivering reports over Sales and Margin.
2 months later also SAP 4 Hana FI & CO modules are targeted as data sources for QQfin™.
QQfin™ is delivered also for the first time on top of 2 sequential ERP systems, providing seamless continuous financial analytics.
We deliver a fresh perspective on the IT ticketing analytics for Haulotte multinational company.
Also, Camusat is gaining more in-depth perspective for their international financial consolidation.
Qlik™ is adopted also by Antena Group, allowing QQinfo to cover more than 80% of TV stations market share.
Our presence in FMCG wholesale gets a strong consolidation when we start deliver BI licenses and outsourcing services to Aquila.
Our first travel agency challenges us to create some amazing looking dashboards for HORECA industry.
QQinfo joins other Romanian Software companies attending the last edition of CeBIT as exhibitors.
We extend our portfolio with QR-Patrol from Terracom, Greece, an innovative solution for monitoring security agents and managers.
Starting from the Simplified Version of the Two-Dimensional Sales-Inventory Analysis, we also developed the Advanced Version of Two-Dimensional Sales-Stock Analysis (with prioritization of unitary intervention in all situations).
Our BI Developers team has worked intensively and has “set up” Factorial Analytics.
Practice with the students of the Faculty of Cybernetics and Management Informatics within ASE has been a very important period for us. As in the previous years, each student completed his practice.
We extended the project to one of our clients- eMAG.
We have successfully completed the first Qlik Sense™ project, but also the first project for a courier company.
We have developed a stock management BI solution – QQinventory.health™ – a visual analysis that starts from sales history and stock movements, to highlight Out-of-Stock (OOS), No Moving (NoM) and Slow Moving situations.
We have strengthened our Sales and Marketing team.
With fresh forces in our marketing team, we started the year with a systemic and design restructuring of the QQinfo.ro website.
We expanded the reporting capabilities in project, commercial and technical portfolio project management.
We have expanded our sales team and have strengthened our technical team.
We delivered Tarom QQpl4SAP, a flexible, and versatile application, able to provide companies using SAP ERP (Fi&Co) a synthetic and detailed, flexible and easily configurable P&L perspective.
We successfully completed the first implementation of QQcrm™ in IT.
We developed and implemented the QQvendor reporting™ application, which simplifies and automates the suppliers reporting processes (multi-format and multi-timing) for sales and inventories.
We extended the addressed industries portfolio, by starting our collaboration with Jean Cristoff Romania, the leader in maintenance services and construction-assembly for the oil industry.
QQacademy reached its XVth edition.
Our turnover increased by 38%.
QQinfo participated as sponsor, along with the Center for Complexity Studies, at the 25th edition of the Atlantykron 2014 Summer Academy.
We secured the support of our partners who ensured the commercial success and implementing QlikView™ within the Romanian Naval Authority.
The fourth generation of QQcashflow™ offers now a mature solution that covers an extensive set of capabilities and modeling. These include automated predictions of VAT or of the integrative treasury management with multiple test cases (deposits, credit lines, collateral, or credit guarantee letters, etc.), allowing a holistic view of all future cash flows (cash or not).
The structural changes in the QlikView™ distribution channels for Romania helped us to focus more on the specific know-how development.
We developed the first version of the QQcashflow optim™ algorithm, a natural extension of QQcashflow™.
We started to develop a first version of the integrated platform QQcrm™.
We started collaboration with Tarom, after winning the auction organized for mutli-perspective analysis.
We started collaboration with Altex through a BI project for sales analysis and proposals for product relocation.
Following the settlement for funding, The Border Police expanded its QlikView™ pilot project started a few years before.
DB Schenker Romtrans’ projects strengthen our capabilities in the transport sector.
RIO Bucovina fully harnessed our abilities of monitoring achieved versus planned sales, and those of correlating stocks to sales.
Our turnover and number of projects nearly doubled (96% YoY growth).
We started the strategic collaboration with the Center for Complex Studies (UNESCO Center). The first steps in predictive analysis.
QQacademy reached its tenth edition, with several of over 150 trainees since its debut in 2006.
Moreover, we delivered for the first time a QQacademy training package for the international environment, within the Orange group.
A first contact in the manufacturing segment, that will extend later, during the year: Dunapack Rambox Packaging.
Debut in the media and banking industry, with prestigious clients, PRO•TV and Raiffeisen Bank.
It’s developed the second generation of the QQcashflow™ application, that allows financial directorates / treasuries to build regularly, and with minimal effort, cash flow projections and thus identify early risks and funding opportunities.
2005 - 2010
We attended the Agora business solutions Conference.
Our partner network expands.
Rompetrol expands its QlikView™ use outside central treasury.
The website QQinfo.ro received a new design.
We expanded our service capabilities in the treasury-financial area with the QQbanking™ application (the first client: Țiriac Holding).
We signed our first contract to supply OlikView™ services and licences based on European financing.
We extended our impact in FMCG (Interbrands and Strauss).
We launched at Qonnections Barcelona a new tool for our QlikView™ users, QQversioner™.
We organized at The National Museum of Contemporary Art Qonnections 2009, the first conference for the QlikView™ users in Romania. With this occasion we officially launched QlikView™ 9 in Romania.
We participated at IDC BI Roadshow.
Our trading results increased by over 30%.
We developed the macroEQ™ application.
Our firm grew although Romania’s economy was in crisis.
We’ve participated at the Agora Technology Conferences – BI and Data Mining.
We launched QQtools in Miami at Qonnections 2008, focusing on QQHelper.
We signed the QlikView™ Master Reseller Agreement for Romania.
We participated as an exhibitor at CERF 2008.
We successfully participated again at IDC BI Roadshow.
We implemented a first commercial pilot project at the Border Police, followed by another pilot project at the Romanian Police, in collaboration with the Analysis Direction. (For Romanian Police we’ve analyzed all the road accidents with injuries from Romania and the Public Order incidents in Bucharest).
We expanded the number of partners that promote QlikView™ in Romania.
The team grew and we moved to the City Center (near the Opera).
We successfully participated again at IDC BI Roadshow.
Debut in FMGC (Vel Pitar).
In 2006, the first year of full operation, we recorded a turnover of about 150.000 EUR.
The technical team grew, and we moved to a business center in north of the city.
We became the only Romanian partner authorized to sign contracts with QlikView™ distribution partners and signed with the first two such partners.
We sold and implemented in Romania the first QlikView™ Server solution and the first QlikView™ solution on x64 technology.
We successfully participated at IDC Business Intelligence Road Show partner and received significant feedback.
QQinfo’s first appearance with QlikView™ solutions in specialty magazine: Net Report.
The first QQacademy edition and the first generation of graduates.
Q&Q Info Consult was established and started operations in Business Intelligence in 2005.
Our first customers, Ultra Pro Computers, signed and received our services in the fall of 2005.
With great joy we signed the first licensing contract with a state owned company: Hidroelectrica.
The first official participation of QQinfo at a public event was during Biz Days in November.
For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit the page: QQsolutions.
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