To prevent stock level negative situations (Out of Stock, NoMoving), we recommend a business solution specifically designed to highlight the tendency to reach the negative and unwanted situations mentioned before – that is QQinventory.prevention™.
Starting from a simple bi-dimensional analysis, as outlined above and taking into account the factors that cause an assesment of financial losses in situations such as Out Of Stock, Violent Moving (future Out Of Stock), Slow Moving and No Moving, with QQinventory.prevention™ we created an analysis that prioritizes the need to intervene on all articles, regardless of the nature of the situations identified.
Slow Moving and Violent Moving situations are highlighted by gradual colors, based on the number of calculated rotation days (stock days).
With the help of the right-side object you can identify the recommended order of approach of all identified problems.
This approach order is based on an estimate of the future losses that will be generated by each individual situation. Eventually, these situations may be limited or canceled by managerial intervention.
This type of analysis takes into account several parameters that may be specific to each product, product category, vendor, management, or combination, or may be generally applicable to the entire data set (at company level).