We chose Qsaft because, following discussions with the suppliers of several SAF-T solutions currently available on the market, including a large number of established financial advisors, all members of our decision-making committee had the same reaction: the Qsaft team brought clarity in what we offer and the security we are looking for, that we will have a viable, efficient and resilient reporting solution.
Carmen Popa, CFO
Lindab SRL

Intelligent information at the speed of thought!
Q&Q Info Consult is a business software solutions implementer that refreshes the market with a user-friendly interface – Qlik™. Namely, the platform collects data from various databases and extracts from them a wide range of functionalities. In other words, the goal is to optimize operationsregardless of company’s size.
At QQinfo we maintain verticality through the value of a well done job, through the power of truth, and not least through the love of technology, that we consider a real catalyst for increasing business efficiency.

Dan Șerbănescu, Director General – NEMO EXPRESS

“We decided to choose QQinfo and Qlik™ mainly because of QQinfo consultants’ abilities to quickly understand our company’s needs and to create a coherent, multi-dimensional and easy-to-use system of analysis specific to our industry, going exclusively from 2 meetings with NEMO management. The results amazed us through the wealth of analytics prospects, beyond the major… Read more “Dan Șerbănescu, Director General – NEMO EXPRESS”
Adrian Oprea – Project Manager, Tuborg

For QQinfo Team: The greatest artists and thinkers are simplifiers.
Mihai Irimia, General Manager – Patiseria Tineretului SRL

QQinfo has provided us with a level of IT services that we have simply never encountered before. They helped us promptly with solutions to all the problems we encountered, although we did not expect them to find concrete solutions so quickly (many times they found and implemented the solution right away, during the discussion!). They… Read more “Mihai Irimia, General Manager – Patiseria Tineretului SRL”
Tudor Manea – VP Human Resources and Technology, Dante International SA

We have always benefited from prompt delivery of the required products and services and quality support too, both during the implementation and post-development. Moreover, QQinfo’s advice and their solutions for some situations allowed us to identify and/or overcome significant technical obstacles, thus achieving the objectives of streamlining management analyzes and support systems decisions.
Cristian Chițu, Founder & CEO – Patiseria Tineretului SRL

QQinfo have done everything they promised and even more! And together they use the coolest possible platforms: Qlik™ & AirTable ! Forget Excel completely !
Dragoș Druga – CFO, Jean Christof E&P Services Romania

We chose QQinfo because they demonstrated to us their dual ability, on one hand to master the Qlik™ platform and on the other hand to understand in a few words and to offer concrete solutions, with alternatives, to our real business needs. financial and operational. Our results obtained after the first delivered project: 95% decrease… Read more “Dragoș Druga – CFO, Jean Christof E&P Services Romania”
Nicu Sofian, IT Director – Maspex Romania SRL

Beyond solving everyday problems, less often or not, depending on how we needed it, we appreciated the quick, involved, and innovative reaction they had to the QQinfo team when they faced a critical situation. Not only did they promptly assist us in solving all the post-disaster recovery needs related to the BI platform, but they… Read more “Nicu Sofian, IT Director – Maspex Romania SRL”
Adrian Dima, Co-Founder, General Manager – Kognitive Manufacturing Tech SRL

During the development of the KFactory platform, the need to integrate a business intelligence solution appeared. After a long search, we had the pleasure of meeting the QQInfo team, a team that has proven its professionalism by supporting the accelerated adoption of Qlik Sense™ in our platform. Following the conclusion of the partnership with QQInfo,… Read more “Adrian Dima, Co-Founder, General Manager – Kognitive Manufacturing Tech SRL”
Cornel Paraschiv – AUTOKLASS CENTER

“We have approached the QQinfo team to implement reporting and analysis solutions to improve the performance of AUTOKLASS, from the express desire to automate some processes. Later, we decided to extend the reporting system and management analysis from the need to give decision makers time to quickly find better, faster solutions by accessing data at… Read more “Cornel Paraschiv – AUTOKLASS CENTER”
Laurențiu Gheorghiu – Advertising Traffic Manager, ProTV

We have been able to highlight, through analyzes made in Qlik™, viewing and buying habits, smoother segments of viewers and consumers and from here, adjusting our trade and program policies where needed. Operational net result at the end of the day: an increase in efficiency by 150%.
Mihai Pătrașcu – Founder & CEO, evoMAG

It’s comforting to work with a BI team that first understands your needs, offers you viable alternatives and then runs the agreed solution on time (and often more!). This is the feeling that I have when I work with the QQinfo Team!
Valentin Mitrea – General Director, Smart Vending

It’s a real pleasure to work with a team of professionals who have taken all your worries about developing managerial analyzes. Now, sales, profitability or stock information are really at hand. Analyzes developed by QQinfo team have combined our previous computing and analysis models with their know-how, so we have now cut 90% of search… Read more “Valentin Mitrea – General Director, Smart Vending”
Marius Teler, Business Developer – NEMO EXPRESS

“Only capitalizing on the hourly analysis proposed by QQinfo allowed us to identify situations in which the hourly planning of the activities of our courier teams could be improved, leading to an increase in the efficiency of our field resources by at least 20 percent, so we have already amortized the money invested in the… Read more “Marius Teler, Business Developer – NEMO EXPRESS”