Why Qlik™ ? Simplicity !

Qlik™'s goal: to provide
a complex set
of simple analytics
the company's management

You, the manager, are the main character, and with a single “Qlik” you can avoid unfavorable situations for the company, or identity opportunities hidden so far in the shadow or in a large amount of data.
The processing details remain in our care, BI experts.

Through its wide range of capabilities, interactive and intuitive interface but als speed and processing power, Qlik™ supports the data to tell its true story, both in general (bird eye view) and even the most hidden details.

The story brought by Qlik™ is unfiltered and unaltered by human interests and/ or errors of operation, it is brought with maximum processing speed and provides information in a simplified and easy-to-understand starting point, from which you can get any level of sophistication.

All departments of the company and all levels of management and analysis can benefit from the performance and uniqueness of Qlik™, but the maximum added value is brought when the management becomes a fierce user of Qlik™, directly !

The two Business Intelligent platforms, QlikView™ and Qlik Sense™, address both to analysts and managers.

QQinfo advanced processing

Beyond the huge Qlik™ processing capabilities, we have listed here more particular data architectures solutions, refined over time in QQinfo, which incorporate both its own special algorithms and advanced formulas, and which allow:

  • Integrative treatment of multi-fact data sets
  • Transactional data processing to generate dynamic, immediately selectable status reports
  • Flexible multi-currency viewing
  • Comparative analytics with self-filtering measures in time with fast construction
  • Efficient architectures with dynamic over classification & Mechanisms of non-disjoint classification
  • Configurable hierarchical classification mechanism with mixed, quantitative, value and percentage representations
  • Mechanisms for constructing processing scripts and complex formulas through fast configuration
  • Mechanism for monitoring the consistent validity of processing and reporting
  • Mechanisms for dynamically constructing complex interface objects, including “anything with anything” comparison
  • Qosmic interface to provide maximum flexibility in choosing analysis perspectives

More details can be found on the page QQtools.

For information about Qlik™, please visit this site: qlik.com.

For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit this page: QQsolutions.

In order to be in touch with the latest news in the field, unique solutions explained, but also with our personal perspectives regarding the world of management, data and analytics, we recommend the QQblog !