Qlik™ by QQacademy courses start in July 2018 with training workshops on development, design and administration of the Qlik™ Business Intelligence platform with a new approach.
There are three interactive modules, as follows:
July 16 – 17, 2018 – Qlik™ Developer Scripting and Administration (QDSA);
July 19 – 20, 2018 – Qlik™ Layout Designer (QLD);
July23 – 24, 2018 – Qlik™ Advanced – SAOAIF (Set Analysis & Other Advanced Interface Functionalities).
Send* now the name and surname of the participants to have the registration guaranteed !
* For details, registration and confirmation, you can contact us by e-mail at: office@qqinfo.ro, by phone at: 0318 052 070 or by filling in the Registration Form.
Each participant is provided with: course support (print and electronic format), graduation diploma (s), lunch and coffee breaks.
Limited number of seats. The registration is considered completed in the order of payment of the participation fee.
- QDSA Module is recommended to the technical staff who will ensure the implementation and maintenance of Qlik™ platforms within their own company or within the client-company..
- Modulul QLD is useful in streamlining workflow and simplifying medium & long term the reporting processes in your own companies or client – companies, the reason why it is an added value for:
• technical staff who will ensure the implementation and maintenance of Qlik™ platforms;
• persons in charge of reports, analysts or ”curious” users;
• persons in management and/ or coordination positions. - SAOAIF Module is recommended for experienced users: Qlik™ Developers, BI Managers, Qlik™ Analysts. Prior Requirements: Qlik™ Developer (QDSA) and Qlik™ Designer (QDL) courses and at least 1 year experience in Qlik™ (Dev & Design/ Management).
The benefits of this course:
– Development of formulas and complex interfaces;
– Performance evaluation & tunning in Qlik™ applications;
– New ideas of managerial analysis immediately applicable in business;
– Extending the analytical power of Qlik™.
We are waiting for you at the QQacademy Romania summer session!
For information about Qlik™, please visit this site: qlik.com.
For QQinfo solutions, please visit this page: QQsolutions.