Santa brings you a gift from Qlik™, containing short and interesting video demonstrations of some of the Qlik™ visualizations. 😊
Here they are below!
Insight Advisor
Santa asks questions on Insight Advisor!
For demo, click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lJviKKq1C2E.
Indexed Line Chart
An Indexed Line Chart visually compares data over time with different starting values using a simplified expression. A good use for this is comparing stock prices, but is also good for product comparisons.
For demo, click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_zyYW0QWMcY.
Burndown Chart
Burndown Charts, very popular in many industries, show remainig work against time, but can be used to track progress of anything with a start date position and Target date position use the combo chart with two lines, one for target and one for actual. You can extend the targt date with chart level scripting or load Target data and the load script. Also, please note, that Burndown Charts are.
For demo, click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DiU_ydWXPTY.
Burn Up Chart
Burn Up Charts are rarer than Burndown Chars but also good when tracking towards a target. Use one line for your workload and te other for work completed thus far when the two lines meet you have met your target and completed the objective. This chart is used heavily with Agile software development.
For demo, click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/29Uu5GBroZM.
Layout Container
Don’t just use separate charts! The new Layout Container alows you to stack group and arrange charts to create composite charts that relay the same information but in a compact way.
For demo, click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7O62ubOto6g.
For more details about Layout Container, click here: https://qqinfo.ro/en/new-qlik-layout-container/.
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