Carefully analyzing the technical and operational capabilities of QlikView™ platform, RHS Company SA chose to use BI platform promoted by QQinfo Romanian market. Assimilation platform used by the company RHS took place gradually in three planes:
- data used for analysis,
- management levels served,
- internal capabilities to develop new analyzes and reports.
The projects undertaken in time for RHS analysis QQinfo developed in the following areas:
- Sales monitoring;
- Stocks monitoring;
- Slow-moving inventory alerts and analysis and Out-Of-Stock;
- Supply analysis;
- Client balances analysis;
- Working capital analysis.
About RHS:
Established in 1999, integrally with Romanian capital, RHS Company is currently one of the leading suppliers of components, accessories and systems in Romania with over 150 employees and subsidiaries in the largest cities in Romania.
RHS aims to provide an easy performance and efficiency access to the Romanian market, offering its partners a strong and trustful relationship, on a long term.
QQinfo (Q&Q Info Consult SRL) offers since 2005 high-class consultancy services in Business Intelligence (BI) and Operational Intelligence (OI) mainly by exploiting the capabilities of the QlikView™ platform. Through its team of consultants, QQinfo has provided and continues to provide personalized services to companies for the development of relevant and effective managerial and operational analysis, focusing on QlikView™ ’s intrinsic ease of navigation efficiency, combined with the consultants team’s advanced modelling and processing capabilities.
(click here for more details)