Machine Learning Services for Augmented Analytics

Fully integrated AI and ML path forward

Machine Learning Services for Augmented Analytics

Welcome to the fourth video of Qlik™ AI and ML blog series. In this video, it will be  demonstrated integrated AI and ML services built into Qlik™ platform at a foundational level, designed to support augmented analytics in a seamless and transparent way.

Analysis types in Qlik Sense™ allow the user to generate sophisticated automated insights, complete with multiple visualizations and NLG (Natural Language Generation), in a few clicks. Many of these take advantage of advanced analytics and machine learning under the hood. You will see several of these in action.

Next, you can see a demonstration of an exciting new feature it was presented at Qlik World (that will be  releasing soon) – key driver analysis. As a refresher, key driver analysis is the systematic identification of influences on a target field, or simply put, identifying which values in your data set are driving the values of a metric that you have identified. Users may wish to know what factors are influencing sales in a particular region, or what is influencing a recent fluctuation in churn.

Using the AutoML engine under the hood, we can analyze the data using powerful ML techniques and generate this valuable insight for analytics users. The best part is you can do this directly in Qlik Sense™, without even having to load a training data set or set up an ML experiment. This highlights Qlik™’s direction of surfacing its powerful foundational services in a number of different ways, making valuable insights more accessible to a wider range of users.

So, please watch the video below on ML services for augmented analytics, which demonstrates how integrated ML services support a full range of advanced analytics types in Qlik Sense™ and previews an exciting new capability that is coming soon – key driver analytics.

By analyzing vast amounts of data, ML algorithms can identify patterns, make predictions, and generate valuable insights that enable people gain a complete understanding and take the best action to affect future outcomes. With key driver analysis, Qlik™’s recent releases of real-time connectors for OpenAI, and more features on the way, Qlik™ is continuing to push the bar higher with new AI-driven capabilities for the Qlik™ users.

During these series, it has been described Qlik™’s unique approach to AI and ML, demonstrate existing and new capabilities for Augmented Analytics in Qlik Sense™, AutoML and Predictive Analytics, and offer a look at our future direction and what’s coming next.

Stay tuned for the next blogs in which we will be diving into Qlik™’s AutoML capability in full detail, starting with an explanation of AutoML and then a detailed demo.

Below are links to previous posts in the Path forward for fully integrated AI & ML series:

Part 3 – Embedded Analytics and Integrations in Qlik Sense
Part 2 – Automated Insights through Insight Advisor in Qlik Sense
Part 1 – Qlik™’s Fully Integrated AI and ML Capabilities

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