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Qlik™ Data Integration
New SAP ODP Connector
Qlik™ is continuing to expand their connectivity to the SAP Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) framework. Last November, it released an SAP ODP Connector for Qlik™ Data Integration Client-Managed product, last month it added an SAP ODP Connector for Qlik™ Cloud Analytics, and this month, it was introduced an SAP ODP Connector for Qlik™ Cloud Data Integration.
All of these connectors provide many benefits to SAP users vs. previous, existing SAP connectors including:
- Simplified access to CDS Views and HANA Views
- Access to Extractors, without the use of standalone network service
- Usable with an SAP Runtime license
- Does not require any separate Qlik™ SAP Connector license
- No need for an SAP transport installation, particularly useful with an SAP managed cloud system
- Up to 25% faster performance vs. Qlik™’s existing SAP connectors
Learn more about the latest SAP ODP connector here.
Additional SAP HANA Support
In addition to the SAP HANA connector, Qlik™ Cloud Data Integration now includes support for SAP HANA as the backend database for the SAP Application connector. This release also provides Add Business Group Management capabilities. Business groups allow SAP users to create groups of tables that are recognized by the Data Movement gateway, providing additional context when selecting data artifacts to be replicated.
Learn more about the SAP Application connector.
Qlik™ Data Analytics
Access SAP ODP source via Direct Access gateway
The Qlik™ Data Gateway – Direct Access eliminates the need to open inbound firewall ports by operating behind your organization’s firewall. It allows Qlik Sense™ SaaS applications to securely access behind-the-firewall data, over a strictly outbound, encrypted, and mutually authenticated connection.
This month Qlik™ released a new version of the gateway that includes the SAP ODP connector as an additional option to access an on-premises SAP system.
You can learn more about the Gateway here.
Qlik™ Application Automation
New Qlik™ Application Automation connectors for Qlik™ Cloud Government
Qlik™ Cloud Government now supports the following Qlik™ Application Automation connectors:
- Amazon SNS
- GitHub (including GitHub Government)
For information about Qlik™, click here: qlik.com.
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