Qlik™ goal: to provide a comprehensive set of simple analytics for company management
You, the manager, are the main character, and with a single “Qlik” you can avoid unfavorable situations for your company, or identify opportunities hidden in the shadows or crowd of data.
The processing details remain in the hands of us, the BI experts.
Main ideas of the page
All parts of the company and all levels of management and analysis can benefit from the performance and uniqueness of Qlik™, but maximum value is added when management becomes an avid user of Qlik™, hands-on!
The two Business Intelligence platforms, QlikView™ and Qlik Sense™, are aimed at both analysts and managers.
Qlik™ Uniqueness
The Qlik™ platform offers a wide range of advantages that set it apart from other solutions (besides being the only leading BI platform that integrates extensive data processing tools with visualization tools and offers intrinsic secure processing):
- It is a dynamic, flexible and very powerful solution that simultaneously provides processing consistency and the possibility to combine various data sources integrated within the same analysis.
- It offers a very short ROI (return on investment) and an extremely low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).
It is easy to use (after 10 minutes of training you can explore complex data, and after a few hours of training you can create new reports yourself!).
The associative & cognitive combination in Qlik™
The Associative Engine
Qlik™ offers, through its unique technology patented for over 30 years (associative, in-memory analysis), processing capabilities that are hard to match, even more than 10 years after other competitors started to take over, more or less openly, some of the Qlik™ concepts.
Key benefits of this associative approach:
- reduced resource consumption for data storage,
- and orders of magnitude higher speeds than traditional relational technologies,
- along with a flexible and less demanding approach to strict data processing,
- but above all an extremely user-friendly and intuitive navigation interface.
Data processing is closely related to another essential element in structured datasets: data architectures.
The associative “in-memory” approach brought by Qlik™ allows for a huge variety of data architectures to be used. But when data volumes or the complexity of data sources start to make their presence felt, QQinfo has the expertise to choose and optimize data architectures to serve the complex analysis needs of the beneficiaries with maximum simplicity.
Cognitive Engine
Benefiting from the spectacular developments in artificial intelligence-based technologies of the last decade, Qlik™ has added and continues to add a new set of capabilities to its platform, whereby advanced algorithms enable spectacular enhancement of human thinking.
We are already in the context of AI 2.0, (Augmented Intelligence) where pure systems logic and human intuition are not in competition, but in continuous collaboration!
Here are the Insight Advisor capabilities already included in the Qlik Sense™ platform:
- Support in the capture and processing of source data
- Assistance in building visualizations “from scratch” or with minimal direction from the human user
- Query analytics
- Conversational analytics
- Assistance in interpreting the meaning of filters and selections (inherited from Power of Gray)
- Introduction and integration of advanced Data Science & AI formulas
Data sources and architectures for Qlik™
Qlik™ is the leading BI platform with the broadest palette of usable data sources, currently providing easy access to almost any known structured data source, regardless of the age of the technology or the volume of data involved (including Big Data sources).
Of all the TOP BI platforms, Qlik™ is recognized for its maximum capabilities, both in terms of processing speed (see here in QQblog for concrete details) and in terms of ingestible data volume.
The most conclusive example in Romania is given by the Qlik™ implementation at Emag, which serves thousands of users with data exceeding PetaBytes and processing speeds exceeding TeraBytes of new data/ day.
With the additional connectivity options available, data sources can also be explored via dedicated or generic connectors. This allows you to exploit a wide variety of data sources: SAP, Web Services (REST), Google Analytics, SalesForce, Facebook Insights, Exchange Server, Sharepoint Server, Mongo DB, as well as connectivity to Big Data or Data Warehouse systems.
Basically, the more data you have, the more advantageous it becomes to leverage it using Qlik™.
Only with Qlik™ can you develop a set of solutions that goes beyond traditional BI (Business Intelligence), adding Operational Intelligence components, including visual and tabular analysis, complex prescriptive and predictive analysis, synthesized into easy-to-use end-to-end solutions.
QQinfo advanced processing
Beyond the huge Qlik™ processing capabilities, we have listed here more particular data architecture solutions, refined over time within QQinfo, that incorporate both proprietary special algorithms and advanced formulas, and that enable :
- Integrative processing of multi-factor datasets
- Processing transactional data to generate dynamic, immediately selectable status reports
- Flexible multi-currency visualization
- Benchmarking with auto-filtering measures over time with fast build time
- Efficient architectures with dynamic over-classification & non-disjoint classification mechanisms
- Configurable hierarchical classification mechanisms with mixed quantitative, value and percentage representations
- Mechanisms for building complex processing scripts and formulas through fast configuration
- Mechanism to monitor the consistent validity of processes and reports
- Mechanisms for dynamic construction of complex interface objects, including any-to-any comparison
For information about Qlik™, please visit this site: qlik.com.
For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit this page: QQsolutions.
In order to be in touch with the latest news in the field, unique solutions explained, but also with our personal perspectives regarding the world of management, data and analytics, we recommend the QQblog !