Starting Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, QQinfo has adopted the ”work from home” working model, to protect the entire team from the risk of coronavirus exposure, thus respecting the recommendations of the governors and good practices in such situations. We have adopted modern technologies and methodologies for online work and collaboration, which allow us to be 100% available to our beneficiaries and ensure the continuation of current and future projects with minimal disruptions.
- Home
- Products
- Services
- QQsolutions
- QQsales.margin™
- QQcrm™
- QQpromo™
- QQpricing™
- Factorial Analytics (cause – effect) on the variation of the sale and the margin
- QQtargets&bonus™
- QQfin™
- QQgeomarketing™
- QQsales.advanced™
- QQbanking™
- QQinventory™
- QQinventory.prevention™
- QQrelocation™
- QQvendor.reporting™
- Cash Driver™
- QQsip™
- QQcash.manager™
- QQcashflow™
- QQbanking™
- QQfin™
- QQabc™
- QQccc™
- macroEQ™
- Qsaft™
- QQwork.logger™
- QQworkload™
- QQpresence™
- QQmaintenance™
- QQdocuman™
- QQprojectman™
- QQtools
- QQtrust™
- QQvalidator™
- QQdata.quality™
- QQsecurity™
- QQsys&profiler™
- Qcosmic™
- QQdata.inventory™
- QQadjustments™
- QQslicer™
- AirSIRQ™
- QQpartitioning™
- QQincremental™
- QQdynJSONgenerator™
- QQdynXLSgenerator™
- QQdynXMLgenerator™
- QQdynXMLreader™
- QQchapters™
- QQinput.table™
- QQconfig.tracker™
- QQsemaphors
- QQparallel.processing™
- QQkey.profiler&preparator™
- QQacademy
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