We have always benefited from prompt delivery of the required products and services and quality support too, both during the implementation and post-development. Moreover, QQinfo’s advice and their solutions for some situations allowed us to identify and/or overcome significant technical obstacles, thus achieving the objectives of streamlining management analyzes and support systems decisions.
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- QQsolutions
- QQsales.margin™
- QQcrm™
- QQpromo™
- QQpricing™
- Factorial Analytics (cause – effect) on the variation of the sale and the margin
- QQtargets&bonus™
- QQbasket.analytics™
- QQfin™
- QQgeomarketing™
- QQsales.advanced™
- QQbanking™
- QQinventory™
- QQinventory.prevention™
- QQrelocation™
- QQinventory.health™
- QQvendor.reporting™
- Cash Driver™
- QQsip™
- QQcash.manager™
- QQcashflow™
- QQbanking™
- QQfin™
- QQabc™
- QQccc™
- QQworking.capital™
- macroEQ™
- Qsaft™
- QQwork.logger™
- QQworkload™
- QQpresence™
- QQmaintenance™
- QQdocuman™
- QQprojectman™
- QQtools
- QQtrust™
- QQvalidator™
- QQdata.quality™
- QQsecurity™
- QQsys&profiler™
- Qcosmic™
- QQdata.inventory™
- QQadjustments™
- QQslicer™
- AirSIRQ™
- QQpartitioning™
- QQincremental™
- QQdynJSONgenerator™
- QQdynXLSgenerator™
- QQdynXMLgenerator™
- QQdynXMLreader™
- QQchapters™
- QQinput.table™
- QQconfig.tracker™
- QQsemaphors
- QQparallel.processing™
- QQkey.profiler&preparator™
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