QQacademy is an event that includes Qlik™ Business Intelligence platform use and management training. The sessions are half-yearly or can be organized on request if the minimum number of trainees is met.
A QQacademy session is formed out of 2 course modules with basic technical themes, and a module for those already familiar with the business intelligence platform, Qlik™ :
- Qlik™ Developer Scripting and Administration (QDSA, 2 days);
- Qlik™ Layout Designer (QLD, 2 days);
- Qlik™ Advanced SAOAIF (Set Analysis & Other Advanced Interface Functionality, 2 days).
In the first 2 parts of the program we will develop together, from scratch, a visual analysis application.
More exactly:
- In QDSA module we will connect to several different data sets and prepare the information base of the visualization, thus learning the essential elements of connecing Qlik™ to data sources.
We recommend QDSA module to the technical staff that will ensure the implementation and maintenance of the Qlik™ platform within their companies or within the client-company.
- In QLD module we will build the interface over the data brought in within QDSA, according to the projectrequirements, exploring the possible visualization options, in suitable contexts of use.
QLD module streamlines and simplifies working time on medium and long term reporting processes from own companies or client-companies, therefore it is an added value for:
⇒ technical staff which will ensure the implementation and maintenance of Qlik™ platforms;
⇒ reporting officers, analysts of ”curious” users;
⇒ persons in management and coordination functions.
- SAOAIF module is recommended to people familiar with Qlik™ platform who want to deepen this Business Intelligence platform.
This course covers inter alia:
⇒ familiarization and learning some instruments as Set Analysis of new methodologies of data exploration, organizing them as is MetaData Management;
⇒ data processing organization best practices as is Enterprise Framework;
⇒ learning some practices and instruments for tracking the development stages of maintenance applications as are those for Versioning and Documentation, and many more.
Our trainer, Cotiso Hanganu, has over 20 years of experience in the development and usage of Qlik™ solutions, has been involved in over 200 projects and is the only certified Qlik™ trainer from Romania, with several hundreds of trainees in over 40 Qlik™ training sessions.

For the “open house” session, the participation of a person to one day of the course involves
an investment of 260 EUR + VAT.
The investment includes:
- course participation;
- course materials in printed and electronic format;
- the evaluation at the end of the course,
- graduation diploma/ diplomas;
- lunch and snacks along with refreshments at the beginning of each session and during breaks.

For the online session, the participation of a person to one day of the course involves
an investment of 220 EUR + VAT.
The investment includes:
- access to the online course platform;
- access to the virtual devices;
- access to the installation kits;
- the course support in electronic format;
- the evaluation at the end of the course,
- the graduation diploma/ diplomas.
We recommend to have a good internet connection !
- The participation fee is payable prior to the start of the course!
To apply online, please fill in the Registration Form and we will contact you to finalize the details of participation.
The number of participants at QQacademy is limited! Enrollment is made in the fee payment order.
QQacademy venue and details of the schedule will be communicated to you after completion of enrollment and least 2 weeks before the classes begin.
We look forward to seeing you at QQacademy!
For QQinfo solutions, please visit this page QQsolutions !
In order to be in touch with the latest news in the field, unique solutions explained, but also with our personal perspectives regarding the world of management, data and analytics, we recommend the QQblog !