QQacademy 2014
We’re inviting you to enroll personally and/or with team members, at any of these interactive workshops, by filling, as soon as possible the form here. Or, you can contact us at:
A QQacademy session is formed out of 3 course modules with basic technical themes:
– QlikView Developer Scripting and Administration (QDSA, 2 days)
– QlikView Layout Designer (QLD, 2 days)
– QlikView Advanced (QA, 2 days)
Hurry up, there are only a few places left for the October session!
Our trainer, Cotiso Hanganu, has 16 years of experience in the development and usage of QlikView™ solutions, has been involved in over 70 projects and is the only certified QlikView™ trainer from Romania, with several hundreds of trainees in over fifteen QlikView™ training sessions.
The workshop is delivered with humor and charisma and takes place in an informal, interactive with practical applications and with an intense approach note, offering, along with Qlik materials, additional examples and materials gathered by the trainer in his over 12 years of experience in using and implementing QlikView™ in-house and externally, locally and internationally.
Participation of one person to 1 day of course involves an investment of 260 EUR+VAT:
- The investment includes: course participation, course materials in printed and electronic format, the evaluation at the end of the course, graduation diploma/diplomas, lunch and snacks along with refreshments at the beginning of each session and during breaks.
- The participation fee is payable prior to the start of the course. To apply online, please complete the registration form and we will contact you.
The number of participants at QQacademy is limited! Enrollment is made in the fee payment order.
We look forward to seeing you at QQacademy!
Sempre fi,