Cash Driver™ Terms

Cash Driver™ package contents and required software

The Cash Driver™ package is provided by Q&Q Info Consult SRL (QQinfo) as a package consisting of the following:

  • – data completion file (in Microsoft Excel XLSX format) – send to QQinfo via email to or an upload page (to be announced later, if QQinfo deems it appropriate) at least one of the following. 
  • Cash Driver™ processed data file received from QQinfo.
  • – analytical visualization file (QlikView™, or later Qlik Sense™).

To operate the Cash Driver™, the user needs to have the following Windows applications pre-installed:

  • – Microsoft Excel (either standalone or as part of Microsoft Office), whether it’s a desktop or cloud version (part of MS Office 365). 
    – Valid versions, starting with Excel 2007.
  • QlikView™ Desktop (Personal Edition or another licensed version of QlikView™ or Qlik Sense™ Desktop sau Qlik Sense™ Server.
  • – an email client application (Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Email, etc.) or an internet browser and access to online email services (such as, yahoo,,,, etc).
  • – a valid email account.
It is not the responsibility of QQinfo nor is it included in the cost of Cash Driver™ subscriptions and packages to deliver or license the above.

Response times

The enrollment deadline (registration of orders for a new subscription/ Cash Driver™package) is 2 working hours after filling in the form with all valid data.

The validation and activation time for an order is a maximum of 4 working hours from the time of payment for payments made by payment link.

The usual processing time assumed by QQinfo for receiving, processing and sending back the processed file is less than 1 minute from the time the XLSX file is received. The processing takes place automatically, without human intervention and on a 24/7 basis, except in situations where there are maintenance shutdowns which will be announced in advance and scheduled as far as possible outside office hours.

Working hours are considered as hours worked within the working hours (Monday – Friday/ 09:00 – 17:00).

Depending on the impact of Cash Driver™ in the market and customer requirements, QQinfo aims to automate several processes, both within the enrolment and cash confirmation processes and the data processing process, to allow enrolments and processing in the order of minutes, on a 7/ 7 & 24/ 24 basis, but these deadlines are not currently assumed.

Special clauses for free use of Cash Driver™

The purpose of the Cash Driver™ trials offered free of charge is to assess the suitability for future use of commercial Cash Driver™ variants.

These processes are only offered to users with a business email address, and not for personal email addresses (gmail/ yahoo/ live/ etc.).

We reserve the right to refuse any abusive free processing attempts.

În cazul procesărilor gratuite, nu este permisă revânzarea rezultatelor procesării Cash Driver™ unor terți sub forma sau în cadrul unor de servicii de consultanță sau de altă natură.

 QQinfo Obligations

If, for objective reasons beyond QQinfo‘s control, QQinfo‘s communication and cloud computing providers experience technical problems, QQinfo will do its best to get the enrollment and processing services back up and running as soon as possible, possibly transferring certain processes to other processing platforms/contexts.

If QQinfo can no longer deliver the contracted services for attributable reasons, it will refund the amounts paid, reduced (pro-rata) by the time elapsed since the activation of the service and/or by the number of processes already consumed, depending on the type of subscription contracted.

QQinfo will process the data provided in good faith, ensuring that it makes every effort to ensure consistency, accuracy and speed of processing, on a best-effort approach, but this does not make it liable in any way for possible processing errors, particularly in cases where the XLSX data entry files have been complexified from the template included in the delivered installation kit.

In the event of any upgrades to the Cash Driver™, QQinfo will make every effort to ensure backward compatibility at the data and process level, but there is no contractual undertaking to incur obligations or penalties in the event of partial or total incompatibility with previous versions.

QQinfo is not responsible for the quality of the Beneficiary’s communication channels.

QQinfo is not liable for any loss of profits, for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss or corruption of data, loss of business opportunities, goodwill or anticipated savings, or loss of profits arising out of or in connection with the use of the software products, even if QQinfo has been advised of the risk of such losses.

Under no circumstances can QQinfo be held liable for more than the value of the current outstanding order.

QQinfo is entitled to assign its rights and obligations under the contract with the Beneficiary to any company in the same group of companies as QQinfo, without the prior consent of the Beneficiary.
The failure of one of the parties to exercise rights arising from the terms specified in the contract does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

Errors in retrieving information from the Beneficiary

QQinfo is not responsible for correcting any XLSX files submitted by the Beneficiary with data structure alterations or other errors that cause QQinfo to be unable to automatically process the source XLSX files.

If an XLSX file submitted by the Beneficiary returns an error in the automated Cash Driver™ processing, QQinfo will transmit to the Beneficiary only the error codes generated by the processing system.
If the Beneficiary wishes an investigation/resolution of the completion/processing problem encountered, this will only be carried out after the conclusion of a dedicated SSAS/ SSAC service agreement/addendum. (QQinfo reference rates will apply).

Beneficiary Obligations

The Beneficiary undertakes to pay for the goods and services in accordance with the current Cash Driver™ commercial conditions.

The Recipient agrees not to attempt to decompile, deprotect or extract any information from within the Cash Driver™ components. Distribution of local components may be made to third parties only after email notification to QQinfo.

QQinfo has the right at any time to conduct an audit at the Beneficiary’s premises to verify that the Beneficiary’s use of the Cash Driver™ application complies with the specified terms and conditions. The Beneficiary shall grant QQinfo access to its areas and locations and to all Beneficiary’s computers. In the event that it is demonstrated that the Beneficiary has not complied with the conditions of use of Cash Driver™, the Beneficiary is obliged to pay compensation to QQinfo.

Beneficiary Rights

QQinfo grants the Recipient the non-exclusive right to install and use the Cash Driver™, for the period of time determined by the terms of the Order, subject to compliance with the terms hereof, including the use of the Documentation. After expiry of the contracted period, the Beneficiary may continue to use the local input (XLSX) and analysis (QVW) components for an indefinite period, but may not request further processing until a new Cash Driver™ package or subscription has been contracted.

The Beneficiary also has the right to store and install copies of the Cash Driver™ application on additional computers.

The Beneficiary is entitled to receive the requested processing as soon as possible, in accordance with the processing times specified above.

If a processing has not been completed successfully, the Beneficiary will receive, via email, an error message with a brief explanation of the error identified by the automated processing process.

The first failed processing due to causes attributable to the Beneficiary will not decrease the available processing counter, but subsequent failed processing due to causes attributable to the Beneficiary will decrease the available processing counter.

Failed processes due to attributable causes QQinfo will not decrease the available processing counter.

The Beneficiary has the right to partially alter XLSX files, subject to certain QQinfo recommendations in this regard, but the validation and/ or correction of these alterations, in case of processing errors, is not the responsibility of QQinfo, within the ordered Cash Driver™ services.

Correction services and/or preparation of more sophisticated XLSX input files may be requested separately for an additional fee to be agreed upon after an exchange of information between the Beneficiary and QQinfo.

Force Majeure

A. Force majeure has the meaning set out in the Civil Code. Circumstances such as war, revolution, earthquake, major floods, natural disaster, embargo, strike are considered force majeure for the purposes of this cause.

B. The party claiming force majeure must notify the other party within 5 days of the occurrence of the force majeure. Otherwise, the party failing to invoke it within the time limit shall bear all damages caused to the other party through lack of notice.

C. If force majeure and/or its effects make it necessary to suspend performance of this contract for a period of more than 2 months, the parties shall meet within 5 days of the expiry of the period in order to agree either on the manner of performance of the contract or on its termination.


All Cash Driver™ copyrights are the property of Q and Q Info Consult SRL (QQinfo).

Windows, Excel, Outlook, Office and  Office 365 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, USA.

QlikView™ and Qlik Sense™ are registered trademarks of Qlik™ Corporation, USA.

Resale and reuse

The beneficiary has the right to use and even resell the results of Cash Driver™ processing under the following conditions:

  1. QQinfo‘s previous notification of intent to resell.
  2. Customer specification of the processing entity and the creator of the visualization design (source: Cash Driver™ by, running on Qlik). 

For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit this page: QQsolutions.

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