QQrelocation™ is a business solution that provides a relevant analysis for all companies that operate in multiple managed locations distributed across the territory.
QQrelocation™ automatically proposes the quantities to be relocated in order to optimize the current stocking according to recent sales results.
Special situations of Out Of Stock and No Moving, which alter the parameters from which the calculation starts, are signaled (editable) through colors.
Both “to receive” and “to be” quantities are visually explicit:
- Algebraic quantity (minus = given amount / plus = quantity to be received);
- Chromatic (green – to be received, red – given).
You can optionally add a map view with two different colors for the “receive” and “give” quantities.
QQrelocation™ does not require the administration of a complex set of parameters. It is only necessary to define the global parameters:
- the date when the stock is taken into account (it is the current date in the default solution, but in some systems one can choose another previous date;
- the sale period to be taken into account – either the duration in past days from the current date (the default solution), or as starting and ending dates;
- thresholds of relevance and / or quantitative relevance (general or by category).
In addition, QQrelocation™ offers an analysis of the number of sales and stock management on articles.
This tool allows analysis of policy coherence and product allocation in store stocks according to their profile, especially in situations where stores do not have a homogeneous allocation policy, but there are differences in the allocation of selective products to certain stores or types of stores.
- Thus, when the number of stores for sale is significantly lower than the number of stores with stock, we have a situation with overpriced stock, which requires a review of the general allocation policy at stores by decreasing the number of stores that will keep the product in stock.
- If the number of stores for sale is significantly higher than those with stock, additional allocation can be justified on a larger store of the product.
- When the number of stores with current stock is much smaller than the one with stock, it is basically a situation where there are problems in the process of replenishment of the stores.
- Ordering can prioritize products with the most important volume in front.
If you are interested in QQrelocation™ product, please fill in the form here.
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