On this page, we present a video where you can watch how Qlik™ works whether you are on a computer or a mobile device.
You’ll see how you can use AI and conversational analytics to collaborate in real-time with colleagues to gain context to help you further explore your business problem, and how you can take immediate action on your findings by notifying and integrating with your valued partners, all from one platform.
There was even a bit of generative AI used with Amazon Bedrock as a fun example to show you the art of the possible 😊.
For information about Qlik™, please visit this site: qlik.com.
For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit this page: QQsolutions.
In order to be in touch with the latest news in the field, unique solutions explained, but also with our personal perspectives regarding the world of management, data and analytics, we recommend the QQblog !