Do you need, for a limited period of time, extra staff in your BI team? With 100% loading or limited?
We can offer experienced consultants, at attractive rates, especially for medium and long term contracts!
We offer such services to the companies at the top national level, as well as entrepreneurial organizations, of smaller dimensions.
More arguments behind the idea of transferring business intelligence concerns to a dedicated team of professionals, you can find in our post here: BI Outsourcing.
For specific and specialized solutions from QQinfo, please visit the page QQsolutions.
In order to be in touch with the latest news in the field, unique solutions explained, but also with our personal perspectives regarding the world of management, data and analyticss, we recommend the QQblog !
You can contact us at any time by email at office@QQinfo.ro, on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages, or on www.QQinfo.ro and we will promptly answer any questions or concerns !