Turn Addresses into Insights with Qlik Geocoding

Ever struggled with mapping customer locations or converting GPS points into real-world addresses?

With Qlik Geocoding, you can seamlessly transform addresses into precise coordinates—perfect for tracking orders, optimizing logistics, or enhancing location-based analytics.

The add-on in Qlik Cloud Analytics (pictured below) makes this seamless.

Use the address Point look up and Point to address lookup operations to geocode data with accuracy, getting match level, details and location structures.

Qlik team has even made a template available to help you to get started.

For a brief demo, check this link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MAOwm71zql4.

Also, take a look at our analytics product QQgeomarketing, that brings the presentation of commercial information to another level, offering GIS representations, superimposed with concrete data extracted from ERP, combined with demographic information specific to cities (represented by GIS as points) or counties/ regions/ countries (represented by GIS as polygons). For details about QQgeomarketing, check this link: https://qqinfo.ro/en/qqgeomarketing-en/.

Article source: https://www.youtube.com/@QlikOfficial/.

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