Dear Partners,
We are pleased to announce the start of QQacademy session in Romania, with training workshops in the development, design and administration of the Qlik™ Business Intelligence.
In this session we will have 3 technical courses with the topics:
- December 05 – 06 – Qlik™ Developer Scripting and Administration (QDSA);
- December 07 – 08 – Qlik™ Layout Designer (QLD);
- December 11 – 12 – Qlik™ Advanced – SAOAIF (Set Analysis & Other Advanced Interface Functionalities).
Our trainer Cotiso Hanganu, with over 16 years of experience in developing and using Qlik™ solutions, has been involved in the development of over 100 projects and is the only instructor trained by Qlik™ in Romania, with several hundred active people trained in over 25 QQacademy workshop sessions.
Leveraging a mixed, technical and business background, both in terms of training and experience, QQacademy brings participants beyond concrete and applied technical skills, additional added value by:
- understanding the BI paradigm and Qlik™ technologies;
- developing skills oriented towards understanding business needs in the development of visual analysis;
- examples of concrete situations, challenges and technical solutions, coming from real projects.
The QDSA module is recommended for technical personnel who will ensure the implementation and maintenance of Qlik™ platforms within their own company or within the client company.
The QLD module is useful in streamlining working hours and simplifies in the medium and long term reporting processes of own companies or client companies, which is why it is an added value for:
- technical staff who will ensure the implementation and maintenance of Qlik™ platforms;
- reporting officers, ”curious” analysts or users;
- people in management and coordination positions.
The SAOAIF module is recommended for advanced users: Qlik™ Developers, BI Managers and experienced Qlik™ Analysts. Pre-requisites: Qlik™ Developer (QDSA) and Qlik™ Designer (QLD) courses and at least 1 year experience in Qlik™ (Dev & Design/ Management).
The benefits of this course are:
- Development of complex formulas and interfaces;
- Performance evaluation & tunning în Qlik™ applications;
- New examples and ideas of maagerial analysis immediately applicable in business;
- Extending the analytical power of Qlik™ applications.
For details and registration you can contact us by email, form or phone call.
The participation of a person in 1 day of the course involves an investment of 260 EUR+TVA:
- The investment includes: participation in the course, course support in printed and electronic format, evaluation at the end of the course, graduation diploma/ diplomas, lunch and snacks with refreshments at the beginning of each session and during breaks.
- For applying online, please fill out the registration form and we will contact you immediately.
The participation fee will be paid before the course will start.
The number of seats is limited. The registration is validated in the order of payment the participation fee.
We are waiting for you at the QQacademy Romania winter Session !
For information about Qlik™, please visit this site: qlik.com.
For QQinfo solutions, please visit this page: QQsolutions.