The Qlik™ Business Glossary

The Qlik™ Business Glossary

The Qlik™ Business Glossary helps eliminate data confusion by providing a comprehensive library of terms and descriptions that clearly identify how an organization defines its metrics measures and dimensions.

It can streamline data-based decisions by eliminating misunderstandings due to competing terminologies or inconsistencies between technology definitions and business language. And a glossary can simplify regulatory compliance and serve as an important tool for data governance.

 How does your company define “profit”?  What about an “order” or a “customer”? 

While you may think that terms like these have only one common definition, Qlik™ has found out that different organizations can describe these terms quite differently. And even within a single company, different people may be defining the same term in multiple ways. That’s why Qlik™ is pleased to announce the initial release of a business glossary which will be available to all Qlik™ Cloud Analytic customers as part of their existing subscription. 

Built upon the Qlik™ Cloud Catalog framework, users can now access a single, easily-accessible repository of business terms and descriptions. This ensures that everyone in the organization has the same understanding of key business terms. When Data stewards are defining and managing these business terms, they can also categorize terms logically by business context, define relationships between terms, reference related apps & datasets as well as control which terms are accessible to users. 

Having a business glossary helps ensure that everyone in the organization speaks the same language. It can streamline data-based decisions by eliminating misunderstandings due to competing terminologies or inconsistencies between technology definitions and business language.  And a glossary can simplify regulatory compliance and serve as a crucial tool for data governance. 

It’s important for an organization to have a common business language. Having different groups use different terms to refer to the same data element creates confusion, slows decisions and impedes efforts to promote data usage.

A business glossary provides data and analytic users with a single, easily-accessible repository of business terms and descriptions to ensure that everyone is using the same definitions across the organization.

Qlik’s business glossary provides a robust set of capabilities beyond simply defining terms and their meaning. User can categorize terms logically by business context, define relationships between terms and ensure that only approved terms are utilized. The glossary can also be directly linked to apps and datasets so that data consumers can easily view a term’s definition within their current UI.

For a brief demonstration, please watch the video below!

To learn more about Qlik™’s business glossary, check out these two demo videos:

Video 1: User (non-steward) Demonstration
This video demonstrates the Qlik™ Business Glossary from a business user’s perspective. A Qlik Sense™ user that may have developer role, but not a “steward” role. Part 2 will go deeper into a Steward’s role.

Video 2: “Steward” role Demonstration
This video demonstrates the Qlik™ Business Glossary from a business user perspective that has the “Steward” role assigned. Part 1 briefly demonstrated what a user sees who does not have the Steward role assigned.

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